Site Administrator/ October 11, 2016/ Political Issues/ 0 comments

This short briefing is taken from a longer one available to members on
my.snp.org in the political education officer section.
There are three main elements to Conference:
The plenary session in the main hall
Where delegates debate and vote upon policy resolutions, and listen to keynote speeches from the Party Leader and others. There will also be an internal session, where any issues relating to internal party matters, such as amendments to the party’s constitution and rules are discussed. You will also get an opportunity to question your National Office Bearers at the internal session.
Fringe meetings
These take place outwith the plenary session, at breakfast, lunch and dinner slots. Organisations (mainly external groups trying to engage the SNP on an issue) arrange these meetings around a huge variety of topics. Have a look at your handbook to see what is happening over the 3 days.
There is a large exhibition area with stalls from a number of organisations, some internal, most external, all of whom are there to engage with SNP members on a range of issues.
What are Resolutions?
There are four types of resolution:
Policy Resolution: These are resolutions that propose policy to be considered by delegates. If accepted, the resolution becomes SNP policy.
Constitutional Resolution: These concern the procedures by which the SNP is governed, and refer to internal matters relating to the SNP’s constitution, rules or standing orders.
Topical Resolution: These are on subjects that have arisen between the normal deadline for policy resolutions and Conference.
Emergency Resolution: These are usually on issues that have arisen during Conference, and need to be non-contentious.
How does voting work?
All votes at Conference are by a show of delegate cards, with a simple majority required to pass resolutions, amendments and the remit back. Constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority. At the end of the debate on each resolution, delegates will be asked to vote first on any amendments, then on the remit back (if moved), and finally on the resolution itself (either amended or unamended). It is also possible to move a ‘direct negative’ to oppose a resolution. If there have been no speakers against a resolution, and there are no amendments to it, then the Chair will ask delegates to approve by acclaim.
What do all the voting terms mean?
Passed by acclaim:Where no delegate speaks against a resolution,and all speakers are speaking in favour of it,the Convener will ask if the resolution is passed by acclaim, rather than asking people to vote for or against. Delegates indicate by applause that they are happy to do that.
Remitted back:Where a resolution is felt to have merit, but requires wording to make the proposition work in practice. If the 'remit back' is passed then the movers of the resolution are asked to take on board the points made during the debate,and return to a future meeting of Conference or National Council with a redrafted resolution.
Direct Negative:This is an indication that the resolution is fundamentally wrong and should be rejected.
Anything else?
Of course. Our friends in Kelvin are having a curry and ceilidh night.

The bar is open from 6 - 11.30pm and the famous Glasgow curries will be served around 8pm.
Ceilidh band is on from 7.30pm, so grab your dancing shoes!
- Raffle
- Fun & Games
- Surprise speakers
- Auction
The venue: St Vincent Bowling Club, St Vincent Crescent, Glasgow G3 8NL, is in easy walking distance from the SECC.
Book your tickets by clicking