Give your feedback regarding the Kelvindale bus situation.
Fill in the form below.

I specifically asked First if they could investigate the potential of extending the route of the M4 to Byres Rd, via Hyndland and on to Partick interchange (they were to report back to me at our next scheduled meeting, planned for Monday 7th November). I had previously raised this idea with the community council and had asked for suggestions. I know that Bob Doris MSP also raised these ideas with First.
I am cautiously optimistic that First's acceptance of our proposals will meet both the needs of Kelvindale and prove to be viable in the longer term. I will now consult again locally and inform First at my third meeting with them on Monday 7th November, exactly how local bus passengers feel about these options. I would also pay tribute to those in Kelvindale who encouraged me to continue to press the case for route reversal of the M4. Finally, I would ask you to inform me of your preference:
Option 1 - Anniesland – Kelvindale – Hyndland Road – Byres Road – Partick Interchange
Option 2 - Anniesland – Kelvindale – Hyndland Road – University Avenue
Option 3 (Status Quo) – M4 current route and timetable
Cllr John Letford
Fill in the form below and just write the number with your preference.